The field of dentistry is a rewarding one to be in. Qualified individuals can become dental assistants to work in this particular field. People interested in pursuing dental assistant training will find the program offered at various colleges and technical institutes across the country. This is a diploma program which usually runs between eight months to one year in length. In addition to the classroom instruction, students will receive hands on training working with real people. The various courses in this program offer the necessary information and skills needed to work as a professional assistant.
The first portion of the course will deal with a basic introduction to the dental profession and the human body. These classes will focus on learning the different systems of the body and the medical terminology associated with them. Students involved in dental assistant training will also learn about the procedures associated with dental care. The basic introductory courses will give a brief overview of all the professions in this field including those of the dentist and oral surgeon. Oral anatomy covers the areas of the mouth, tongue, teeth and gums. Additional information in this course includes the bone and muscle structure of the head and face.
As the student progresses in the program, they will learn about the different tools used in this profession as well as the procedures for chair side assistance. This instruction includes the dental care used for children as well as senior citizens. A complete dental assistant training course will also have information pertaining to dental emergencies. This covers basic emergency procedures such as CPR. Students will also learn how to handle someone experiencing a heart attack or asthma attack. In order to successfully complete this training, the student must pass the CPR exam.
As the dental assistant training progresses, advanced classes in dentistry will be included in the program. These courses will cover diseases of the mouth and gums as well as the effects various substances have on the teeth and gums. Many medications have side effects that can cause bleeding gums or sensitive teeth. The hands on experience a student receives will be for a certain number of hours. The hours spent in a clinical environment will be under the supervision of a dentist and will need to be met in order to successfully complete the program. Clinic study requires the completion of certain prerequisite classes to ensure the student has the necessary knowledge to work in a clinical setting.